1. Install git
  2. sudo gem install svn2git –source http://gemcutter.org (here)
  3. svnserve -d (start readonly svnserver on local machine)
  4. mkdir new directory and cd into it
  5. svn2git svn://localhost/path/to/local/svn/repo
  6. Install EGit and restart.
  7. (Eclipse) new pydev project ->  browse to existing folder
  8. Set up git locally (here)
  9. set up to use git
  10. team -> remote -> push -> (url from your project page)


  1. git svn clone file: did not work because of a file format problem (Expected FS format ‘2’; found format ‘4’ at /usr/local/git/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 1535)